Code Index

BCP 2018

Bénin, Yoann Colonnier M'Bomma Penmoude 2018 - Benin

BCP18 / 1 - Pahou Date : 2018-01-23 Time : 10:03:00
Longitude : 2.1823304 Latitude : 6.3831054 Altitude : 35m
Biotope : Swamps with tall grass
Remarks : Very little water and very muddy, no collection
Air Temperature: 32°C
BCP18 / 2 - Tori bossito Date : 2018-01-23 Time : 10:40:00
Longitude : 2.103286 Latitude : 6.4366111 Altitude : 42m
Biotope : Roadside backwater
Remarks : Little water but lots of tall grass, impossible to fish
Air Temperature: 32°C , Water Temperature: 28°C Conductivity: 260 µS, pH : 7·1
Current : None, Bottom: Mud, Turbidity: Low, Water Colour: Amber
BCP18 / 3 - Tori bossito 2 Date : 2018-01-23 Time : 10:53:00
Longitude : 2.1382804 Latitude : 6.4959056 Altitude : 43m
Biotope : Residual roadside pond
Remarks : In full sun, a few water lilies, no fish
Air Temperature: 32°C, Water Temperature: 28°C, Conductivity: 242 µS pH : 6·85
Current: None : Bottom: Sand, Turbidity: Medium, Water Colour: Green
BCP18 / 4 - Domè Date : 2018-01-23 Time : 13:01:00
Longitude : 2.0000196 Latitude : 6.4986588 Altitude : 20m
Biotope : Forest on the shores of Lake Ahémé
Remarks : Early dry season, more water
Air Temperature: 36°C
BCP18 / 5 - Grand popo Date : 2018-01-23 Time : 14:27:00
Longitude : 1.830631 Latitude : 6.2800283 Altitude : 28m
Biotope : Mangrove
Remarks : Salt water, unable to access
Air Temperature: 37°C
BCP18 / 6 - Kpovidji Date : 2018-01-24 Time : 09:59:00
Longitude : 1.8367861 Latitude : 6.3397892 Altitude : 29m
Biotope : Residual roadside pond
Remarks : Water lilies and grasses at the edge, 8m by 15m, 40cm deep
Air Temperature: 31°C, Water Temperature: 27·2 °C Conductivity: 380 µS pH : 7·35
Current : None : Bottom: Mud, Turbidity: Medium, Water Colour: Amber
Species: Epiplatys bifasciatus
BCP18 / 7 - Gbehouedji Date : 2018-01-24 Time : 10:42:00
Longitude : 1.8283518 Latitude : 6.3547973 Altitude : 29m
Biotope : Roadside water hole in full sun
Remarks: Some water lilies, 40cm deep
Air Temperature: 32°C, Water Temperature: 28°C Conductivity: 266 µS pH : 7·3
Current : None : Bottom: Mud, Turbidity: Medium, Water Colour: Black
Species: Epiplatys bifasciatus, Hemichromis.
BCP18 / 8 - Athiémé Date : 2018-01-24 Time : 13:17:00
Longitude : 1.6932118 Latitude : 6.6014713 Altitude : 56m
Biotope : Approaching a river
Remarks: Plants at the edge
Air Temperature: 36°C, Water Temperature: 30°C, Conductivity: 225 µS, pH : 7·5
Current : Very low, Bottom: Sand, Turbidity: Medium, Water Colour: Black
Species : Catfish
BCP18 / 9 - Goho Date : 2018-01-25 Time : 13:49:00
Longitude : 2.5675754 Latitude : 6.4401183 Altitude : 27m
Biotope : Several small ponds in sun
Remarks: Depth 10cm, nearby forest without water
Air Temperature: 35°C, Water Temperature: 31°C, Conductivity : 1460 µS, pH : 4·66
Current : None : Bottom: Sand, Turbidity: Very strong, Water Colour: Yellow
Species : Foerschichthys flavipinnis, Epiplatys bifasciatus, Hemichromis.
BCP18 / 10 - Lokoli Date : 2018-01-26 Time : 11:03:00
Longitude : 2.2591349 Latitude : 7.06175202 Altitude : 45m
Biotope : River under forest cover
Remarks: Mud, canoe fishing
Air Temperature: 35°C, Water Temperature: 24°C, Conductivity: 75 µS, pH : 6·9
Current : Medium background: Bottom: Mud & leaves, Turbidity: Medium, Water Colour: Amber in the current
Species : Chromaphyosemion bitaeniatum, Epiplatys togolensis, Foerschichthys flavipinnis, Poropanchax luxophthalmus
Other species: Pantodon buchholzi, Desmocaris trispinosa
BCP18 / 11 - Ikpenlé Date : 2018-01-27 Time : 11:01:00
Longitude : 2.654882 Latitude : 6.881614 Altitude : 112m
Biotope : Stream crossing the road
Remarks: Forest cover, very muddy, some water lilies in the sun, grasses at the edge
Air Temperature: 35°C, Water Temperature: 28·5 °C, Conductivity: 68 µS, pH : 6·48
Current : Medium background: Sand at the bridge, Turbidity: Low, Water Cout: Transparent
Species : Chromaphyosemion bitaeniatum, Poropanchax luxophthalmus, Epiplatys togolensis
Other Species: Gnathonemus petersii, Barboides gracilis, Desmocaris trispinosa
BCP18 / 12 - Igboassan Date : 2018-01-27 Time : 12:33:00
Longitude : 2.577611 Latitude : 6.81934 Altitude : 65m
Biotope : Small stream crossing the track
Remarks: 4m wide, forest cover, very fishy
Air Temperature: 37°C, Water Temperature: 27·2 °C Conductivity: 59 µS, pH : 6
Current : Medium background: Bottom: Sand, Turbidity: Very low, Water Colour: Amber
Species : Chromaphyosemion bitaeniatum, Epiplatys togolensis
Other Species: Desmocaris trispinosa
BCP18 / 13 - Afanji Date : 2018-01-27 Time : 14:16:00
Longitude : 2.676588 Latitude : 6.710045 Altitude : 45m
Biotope : Stream crossing the road
Remarks: Grass border, depth from 20cm to 80cm
Air Temperature: 39°C, Water Temperature: 28·3 °C, Conductivity: 115 µS, pH : 6·9
Current : Strong background: Bottom: Sand & leaves: Turbidity: Low, Water Colour: Transparent
Species : Chromaphyosemion bitaeniatum, Epiplatys togolensis, Poropanchax luxophthalmus
Other Species : Gobies, Tetras, Hemichromis, Desmocaris trispinosa, Pareutropius buffei
BCP18 / 14 - Ganvié Date : 2018-01-29 Time : 11:06:00
Longitude : 2.408229 Latitude : 6.467385 Altitude : 10m
Biotope : Lake Nokoué
Remarques : From 60 to 100cm deep, water hyacinth, lots of Epiplatys
T° Air : 35.0 °C T° Eau : 28.2 °C Conductivité : 1260 µS pH : 7.8
Current :Very low Background, Bottom: Mud, Turbidity: Strong, Water Colour: Black
Species : Epiplatys bifasciatus

From material kindly sent to me by Yoann Colonnier

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