Code Index


Guinea Equatorial - Adolfo González, Carlos Vizcaino, Francisco Portal, Heinz Ott.

GEGVP0 18 / 1 - Movó Stream by the Mbini - Cogo Road. 1-2 metres wide & 30-50 cm deep. Slow flow rate through a narrow forest. Bottom sand covered with leaves. Sides with vegetation extending into the water.
A.striatum, Ep.sexfasciatus.
GEGVP0 18 / 2 - North of Basile On the road to Akurenam north of Basile. Recent road building had destroyed the habitat near the road.
, unknown Chromaphyosemion (photo BKA Newsletter 609 pp78), Ep.sexfasciatus.
GEGVP0 18 / 3 - Monte Raiz Eastern edge of the Monte Alen Nation al Park. Water level reported as low.
GEGVP0 18 / 4 - Mongoo Publica A.cameronense.
GEGVP0 18 / 5 - Bisun Road around the National Park in the direction of Evinayong.
.sp.maculatum (vertical red bars possibly a new species). This is possibly now named A.losantosi.
GEGVP0 18 / 6 - Moca (Moka?) A.sp.maculatum (possibly an undescribed species) - East side of Monte Alén National Park. This collection reportedly difficult to breed.
GEGVP0 18 / 7 - Tega-Esasom Aphyosemion sp. possibly undescribed. Heinz Ott photographed them but was not able to get them to breed.
GEGVP0 18 / 8 - Fegayong Shallow ( 10-20 cm) water biotope which split into several narrow streams. Leaves & vegetation near the banks.
A.sp.aff.mimbon (yellow caudal with a black edge on rear edge), A.sp.aff.herzogi ( A.lorai ).
GEGVP0 18 / 9 - Esekora Stream 5 metres wide crossing the road. Fairly deep (almost reaching the hips of the collectors).
.sp.etsamense. (A.sp.herzogi in shallow areas & A.cameronense/mimbon in deeper areas).
GEGVP0 18 / 10 - Ayem II Small stream with sand/gravel base & clear water with a depth of 10-20 cm.
.aff.herzogi, A.sp.aff.mimbon.
GEGVP0 18 / 10 - Ayem II A.mitemelense
GEGVP0 18 / 12 - Efulan Stream 2-3 metres wide & up to knee deep in some areas.
.sp.aff.mimbon, A.sp.aff.herzogi.
GEGVP0 18 / 13 - Location called Torrente by the Spanish members of the group collecting after a small waterfall next to the road.
Fish similar to locations 9 & 10. herzogi males variable in colour patterns.
GEGVP0 18 / 14 - Collected single male A.sp.aff.herzogi & 2 A.cf.mimbon. None of this collection made it back to captivity.
GEGVP0 18 / 15 - A few kms north east from previous location towards a bridge over the River Mitemele.
.aff.herzogi ( A.mitemelense ).
GEGVP0 18 / 16 - On the North east side of the river along a laterite road leading northwards.
A.sp.aff.herzogi group, A.sp.aff.mimbon
GEGVP0 18 / 17 - As location 16.
.aff.herzogi group, A.sp.aff.mimbon
GEGVP0 18 / 18 - As location 16.
A.sp.aff.herzogi group.
GEGVP0 18 / 19 - No data.
GEGVP0 18 / 20 - A.mimbon.
GEGVP0 18 / 21 - Akurenam Walking distance from hotel at a local washing place.
A.sp.aff.herzogi group.
GEGVP0 18 / 22 - Near Mie Stream with strong flow. Locals had in the past poisoned this area.
Episemion callipteron (4 pairs collected), A.cameronense.
GEGVP0 18 / 23 - ? Along the Aconibe-Oveng road. The road crossed a small stream with considerable current 10-15 metres wide & 80-100 cm deep.
Episemion krystallinoron, A.aff.mimbon mainly near wood fallen into the water.
GEGVP0 18 / 24 - Aconibe-Oveng Episemion krystallinoron, A.sp.aff.joergenscheeli.
GEGVP0 18 / 25 - Mbam Manantial Rio Be, affluent stream of the Rio Mitemele.
A.sp.aff.herzogi group.
GEGVP0 18 / 26 - ? Near Ebosaba A.batesii in poor state.
GEGVP0 18 / 27 - Ebibiyin & Midang (Nidang?) Location has been seen as Midang & Nidang. Cameroon border. Also Midang km 215 - 216 (DKG).
A.sp.aff.herzogi, A.halleri.
GEGVP0 18 / 28 - Ngo Esaboman-Micomesseng Road Narrow stream near the village.
GEGVP0 18 / 29 - Mbodumu-Esaboc Stream with large volume of water.
A.cameronense Blue form.

See also Amazonas Magazine - Apr 9, 2020
DKG Magazine October/December 2020.
BKA Newsletter 609 - July/August 2022.