
Click the navigation bar above to connect to the area you require.
Please contact me if any of these links break, or fail to connect, so I can update the page.
I did a major revision & cleared out all broken or contaminated links.

Last check on (some but not all) website links on this page - 27th October 2022

Worldwide Killifish Associations

New Website for the year 2000. Innovative ideas on auctions. Helpful articles, tips. Growing rapidly. Online auction of fish. Newsgroup online.

American Killifish Association AKA

If your link changes please let me know.

Large site with loads of information especially for beginner's. Online newsgroup. Egg/fish list published online.
Affiliated North American groups...........
Arizona Rivulin Keepers
California Area of Killifish Enthusiasts ***
Chesapeake Area ***
Chicago Killifish Association
Greater Cincinnati ***
Northwest Killies ***
Metropolitan Area Killifish Association
Michigan Killifish Association
Minnesota Killifish Keepers
Pittsburgh Area Killifish Association ***
St. Louis Area
San Diego Killifish Group ***
San Francisco Bay Area ***
Southern California *** site hacked at time of updating
Wisconsin Area
Not in English although the book 'A Hobbyist's Guide to South American Annual Killifish' is. All 100 pages. Well worth looking at. Many articles & old DKG Journals can be downloaded through Acrobat Reader. Click on Archiv from the main menu. These are large downloads so be patient. Click onto Steckbriefe to access a useful database of sp.
English translator built in.
English translator built in.
Canadian Killifish Association CKA
Does not appear to have a website.
Nice site. No translator but you can easily copy/paste into a translator. Section on Aphanius with biotope photos. Worth a look.
  I had a great time clicking through this site. No translator built in but you can soon sort out the links. The Gallery section is worth searching out.
National Australian Killifish Association NAKA
Sydney Killifish Group
No longer working.
English translator built in. Convention photographs. Fish & Egg liistings.
Appears in Spanish. Contains articles & show results with photos of some sp.

Portuguese Killifish Association APK

Link amended June 2009.

Fish & Egg listings.

New site address entered 27th August 2005. English translator being worked on.

No website found. Facebook link.

Killi Association of Bulgaria

No Website known

First Journal distributed June 2003.
Todor Metchkov

No website found

Book Suppliers
See also facebook group

Half Price Books  

General Killifish Hobbyist Web-sites
If you would like your website listed here contact me with your URL.
Austrian site with no language translator. Nice site with photos of auctions & some nice fish photos.
Maxim Axenov
Russian site in Russian. A language translator is required on this site. It is a professionally put together site with many photos & a good section on sp. being maintained. Also has a trade list. Worth a look at.

A large searchable database which is most useful.

Alf & Anita - New URL updated Feb. 8th 2004. English translator built in. Many photo's of their set up. Fish maintenance list. Fish photo's.

KillieNutz - Tom Grady
Large site. Good news page. New URL (May 2002)

Loh Kwek Leong
This site contains many photos of embryos at various stages of development.

This site is amazing. The legendary US Army maps of Africa (+ other countries). Big images to download which can get stuck on trying to download. You might need to click the top of the map & zoom into it, then scroll down slowly to bring it up. Scroll out to see the whole map.
Good site on African locations. Type in town etc to bring up a localised map of road/main drainages.
Maps Worldwide. For those of us who like the old fashioned fold out maps this site is really good. Detailed maps available covering West Africa & other parts of the world. Good site, fast delivery. Recommended.
Paleomap Project. For those researching the breakup of Pangea & continental plate drift in relation to work on ancient distribution of sp. this site is useful. It goes back a long way & also includes nice animations which you can control the speed of with your mouse.