Aphyosemion celiae winifredae Radda & Scheel 1975

New Butu. Photo Courtesy of Ed Pürzl

Meaning of Name

After Miss Winifred Epie the daughter of Mr John Epie who managed the Meanje Rubber Estate in western Cameroon at the time these fish were discovered.

First Description

Radda A.C. & Scheel J.J. 1975.

Neue Formen der Gattung Aphyosemion Myers, aus dem südwestlichen Kamerun.

Das Aquarium 9 : 100-103, fig 5.


5 cm.


D = 11-12, A = 15, D/A = +7, ll = 29-30 (Scheel & Radda 1975).


n = 10, A = 20. (Scheel & Radda 1975).





  • Aphyosemion winifredae Huber 1977
  • Ebonji
  • New Butu
  • ABC 06-113 - New Butu - Mofanko Butu
  • ABC 06 / 114 - New Butu - Big Butu
  • AP 16 / 562 - Mofako Butu


Ebonji Wild male.
Photo courtesy of Tony Terceira.

Ebonji taken at the 2004 SKS convention.

Ebonji Wild female.
Photo courtesy of Tony Terceira.

Type Locality

17 km north of the Bekondo - Kumba - Lake Soden road junction close to Butu, southwestern Cameroon.


Found only from the type locality in the Meme River drainage system.

There would appear to be no natural barriers between A.celiae celiae & A.celiae winifredae & this together with a lack of karyotype evidence to seperate them could perhaps see them being lumped as A.celiae in the future.


The type locality was described as a small rainforest brook.

Distinguishing Characteristics The yellow colouration in the caudal fin seems larger than that in A.celiae celiae.
Colour/Pattern Variability Low.


Breeding Notes

Reports suggest that eggs may be semi-dried for 3-4 weeks before wetting. Growth is quite rapid with sexual maturity possible at 5 months.

Diameter of Egg  

I bred these fish in the early '80's & raised about 5 pairs. They were seen in a Manchester group auction Nov 2000.

I found them a very shy fish which bury their heads in the sand substrate for some reason. Other breeders have not reported this.