Aphyosemion jeanhuberi Aphyosemion jeanhuberi (Stefano Valdesalici and Wolfgang Eberl 2015)

Photo courtesy of Maurice Chauche & the KCF website.

Meaning of Name

After Jean Huber.

First Description

Valdesalici, Stefano; Eberl, Wolfgang (2015).

Aphyosemion jeanhuberi, a new killifish species of the Aphyosemion ogoense species group (Cyprinodontiformes: Nothobranchiidae), with remarks on the identity of Aphyosemion louessense (Pellegrin, 1931).

Aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology. 21 (3): 110–119.







Synonyms Aphyosemion sp.Malinga Huber 1980
GJH 212
JH 212 (as above but sometimes seen as GJH or JH)
species Malinga


  • Malinga - GJH 212
  • COFE 10 / 03

Malinga. Photo courtesy of Ed Pürzl

JH 212 Malinga (I photographed 1982)

JH 212 Malinga old male.
This was the same fish as shown on left. Note fin extensions.

Malinga female. Photo courtesy of Ed Pürzl

Photo courtesy of Maurice Chauche & the KCF website.


Type Locality



Currently limited to the north West of Malinga.



Distinguishing Characteristics  
Colour/Pattern Variability

JH 212 - Also known as GJH 212 & various 212 Malinga namings. Collected by Dr.J.H.Huber in 1979 a few kms northwest of Malinga. Huber reported that wild females had a 'heavily spotted body' & males have 'red transverse lines which run together & are more irregular than thysi'. Karyotype on this population n = 20, A = 38 (at the time this information was prepared an insufficient number of specimens had been examined & this was cosidered a tentative finding).
This fish was at the time thought to be an undescribed species & was referred to as A.spec.idem GJH 212.

Breeding Notes

Jaroslav Kadlec in BKA Newsletter No.390, March 1998 considered best temperature range from 18 - 23°C. Water of pH 5·8 - 6·5, less than 2 DH. Eggs deposited on peat fibre, plants or mops take 15 - 30 days to hatch. Fry are 4 - 4·1mm on hatching & take newly hatched brine shrimp. Growth is slow taking 3-4 weeks to get to 1cm. Sexing out starts at 3-4 months.
Jaroslav found a bias towards females where 43 fry sexed out at 4 males & 39 females. This was the Malinga population.

Diameter of Egg

Entered the UK in the early 1980's & made available in auctions.
I gave Cliff Griffiths some fish & he grew a male on with long extensions in the dorsal & anal fins as seen in the above photo.